
New Normal

What’s the aubergine doing in the drying rack? Well, we’ve just just finished scrubbing it of any viruses that might be on its surface. It’s drying now alongside the plates, cups – and bottles and tins.

What is this term ‘new normal’ that I keep hearing? Is it normal? Or is it new? Or is it something I should now put up with?

Will we be slightly less free? A bit more scared? A bit more socially awkward and emotionally distant?

A bit more indecisive. A bit more susceptible to diseases or influences from power?

Will the tech firms have even more data about me? Will firms demand that we prove we’re not ill before stepping into a place or shop? Will my resting heart rate from yesterday be shared with advertisers and insurers?

Will I notice? Will I feel nostalgic or will I be too distracted?

I’ve definitely been distracted! What haven’t I noticed?

What’s happened? What’s new?