
Wolf time

So, I said, I think I’ll be ok.

That’s fine, she said. So, you’ve found your inner wolf.

My inner wolf?

What did the wolf signify – I didn’t really know. I was a little bit scared of the symbol.

I reflected and one early morning I felt the urge to draw a scene with the Wolf spirit hovering over the calm lake.

Wolf time

Two trees at forest edge | windless endless lake
Wolf time, search time | Longing for stillness
The whole world | balancing but just.

I started searching for answers with a few key words and came across some writings from a Benedictine monk.

Wolf time

He wrote:

“Initially I thought, that the wolf is a somewhat boring theme, but it became clear during my research, that in mythology, religion, in legends and fairy tales the wolf has played an outstanding ambiguous, dualist and multidimensional role. The wolf archetype is so central,  that how the wolf is viewed, indicates the mindset of the human”.

Intrigued, I read on …

“The wolf reminded men to their domestication and their inner struggle with it. The wolf became also an image of remaining wild and sexuality, in a Jungian sense became men’s Shadow of undesired and unwanted.”

This passage caught my attention. The wolf as symbol but also what the wolf does, to go on and find that path, also as a symbol.

“Wolf stories examine reincarnation, spiritual energy, gift exchange, the vitality of the body, and the spirit of the soul. In the old worldview everything is in flux and begins, balances out from, and ends with polarities akin to yin and yang.”

Axe-time, sword-time, shields are sundered,
Wind-time, wolf-time, ere the world falls;
Nor ever shall men each other spare….
Now do I see the earth anew
Rise all green from the waves again